Easy Entry Password Generator

Safe, memorable passwords for kids, schools, businesses, everyone.

Remember this password as: 17 sink Mother
Generate me another password

About EZNtree Generator

Why EZNtree.com ?

Easy Entry was built after the team used several great password generators, but none of them had the full feature set that we were after:

• The right balance of password complexity vs memorability

• Ability to generate lots and lots of passwords very quickly

• Accessible to all and easy to use

We are strong believers in passwords that are easy to remember. It is very easy to generate a 16 character random password that will never be hacked, but that just means it has to be either written down and left in a draw of your desk for anyone to find or saved on a file on your computer - big mistake. The safest place for a password is in your memory, but for that to happen it needs to be memorable. We hope we have achieved this.

If your password does not ring true with you then simply generate a new password.

Kid friendly

We have hand-picked the words that are used to generate the memorable passwords. These words should be

• Easy to remember

• Easy to spell

• Spelt the same in US English and UK English

The words have been chosen to be child-safe. By this we mean no grown-up words and nothing offensive. Simply put, the words should be those a teacher is happy to set a child to learn.

Obviously some words that are innocent in one community may be off-limits in another. If we have missed something or messed up, then we apologise, please let us know so we can fix it, then generate another password.

How secure are the passwords?

Our passwords are designed to take the average password cracker an unreasonable amount of time to crack. Of course some passwords will be considered by some tests weaker than others, but all are considered safe for day-to-day password use. All are better than writing the password on a sticky note and sticking it next to your monitor!
If you think your password is weak, then generate another one.

To test your password's strength. give one of these tools a try:


Why do you display the password hints on the screen - doesn't it make it easy for someone else to see your screen and remember the password?

A: We discussed this at length and our thought patterns went like this:

- By displaying it is insecure, as someone might see it and make it easy for them to remember.

- However, we have to display the password to show it to you the user.

Yes someone could easily record your screen from across the room with a phone camera, so when generating a password, common sense tells us, we should be in a safe environment - and therefore, you may as well see the hint.

Besides, we think when picking a password, the password hint is a large deciding factor so you need to see it!

What data do you hold, are you GDPR compliant?
A: We hold no data and as such we are outside of GDPR requirements - it simply is not relevant